Terms and Conditions

These general terms and conditions apply to the services provided by the personal assistant, who performs her profession and function as a natural person in her personal name. She has her own company and VAT number: 0552.876.937 .

1. Order confirmation
A signed proposal has the status of order confirmation. An order confirmation is deemed to be correct and complete, unless the other party has immediately protested in writing.
Additional agreements or changes are only binding if confirmed in writing (by post or e-mail).

2. Provisions
At the start of the assignment and ongoing service provision, which is further described in a separate, specific agreement, the personal assistant can request 1 or more provisions in the form of advance invoices prior to or during the services to be provided.
Naturally, these advances will be deducted from the final bill.

3. Changes
Additional agreements or changes are only binding if they have been confirmed in writing (by post or e-mail).
If it appears necessary to increase the amount of the provision following the adjustment of an assignment, this may be requested.
The date of delivery/completion of an order can also be changed as a result of adjustments to the order.

4. Best efforts obligation
The personal assistant will make every effort to carry out the assignment(s) given to her in good faith and to the best of her ability so that the intended result can be achieved as best as possible, without there being an obligation to achieve a result, but there being an obligation of means.
The client, on his/her/their part, will provide the personal assistant with all necessary information and/or resources to enable the personal assistant to carry out her work correctly and as agreed and in safe conditions.

5. Trust – Privacy
The personal assistant will often be very close to the customer and/or his family when performing her services. The personal assistant guarantees that she will maintain trust, privacy and discretion, as well as manage the property made available by the client with all due care.

6. Client cooperation
The client cooperates and must always provide all necessary and useful information to the personal assistant regarding the specific assignment.
The client guarantees the accuracy of the information and provides it in a timely manner so that the personal assistant can take on the assignment to the best of his or her ability and in good faith.

7. Fees

  1. The fee of the personal assistant is charged depending on, among other things, the importance and nature of the case, its complexity, its duration and its urgency.
    The rates will therefore vary and depend on the type of services, their duration and the location of their performance.
    A fixed rate per hour can be agreed with the client or a fixed price per assignment, on which basis the personal assistant will conclude a specific agreement with the client.
    The price is exclusive of sales tax and any expenses incurred in carrying out the assignment, including mileage reimbursement.
    An initial introductory meeting with the personal assistant is always free of charge.
  2. For the execution of bigger works in or at the house, the client will conclude a direct agreement with the actual executor/contractor.
    The client will then pay directly to the service provider and the personal assistant who brought the parties together will invoice her services at a rate of 10% of the cost of such larger work directly to the client, unless otherwise agreed in a separate agreement with the client. .
  3. For smaller jobs and work in or at the house invoicing will be done via the personal assistant.

8. Retention of title
Purchases made by the personal assistant in connection with a specific assignment remain the property of the personal assistant until the client has paid for the aforementioned purchases in full (this concerns a retention of title for the personal assistant until full payment).

9. Payment Terms
The client pays the provision/advance on the agreed due date or within 14 days after receipt of the invoice. The final statement of costs and fees of the personal assistant is payable within 14 days of receipt of the invoice into the bank account stated on it. The client chooses whether he wishes to receive the invoices digitally or on paper by post. Any protest regarding a provision or final statement must be addressed to the personal assistant by means of a motivated letter within 10 calendar days after the date of dispatch of the invoice, failing which the provision or statement is irrevocably deemed to have been accepted. In the event of non-payment of an invoice on the due date, late payment interest is due at a rate of 7% on an annual basis, starting from the day after the due date, and from 1 month after the due date a fixed compensation of 10% on the outstanding amount will also be charged. balance with a minimum of €50.00.

10. Force majeure
The personal assistant will always act honestly and in good faith. However, no claim for damages can be made against the personal assistant if she cannot successfully complete her assignment due to force majeure or is prevented from carrying out her assignment or not completely as agreed due to any other situation.
Non-exhaustive examples are: illness of the personal assistant or a close family member, car breakdown, strike by third parties, etc.
If force majeure occurs, the personal assistant will inform the client as soon as possible.
During force majeure, the personal assistant’s obligations are suspended.
If the personal assistant has already partially fulfilled her obligations when the force majeure occurs, the work already performed will remain to be paid by the client.

11. Liability
The personal assistant cannot be held liable for any damage whatsoever caused during her assignment, insofar as the personal assistant has carried it out, respecting the cooperation agreement, and as can be expected of a good normal personal assistant.

12. Cancellation
If an order is canceled by the client, reference must be made to the specific agreement for the order itself, which includes the cancellation conditions.

The cancellation fee depends on the nature and size of the assignment as well as the date of cancellation of the assignment and taking into account the costs already invested and hours worked by the personal assistant.
Cancellation by the client will result in the payment of an administration fee and/or a partial or full payment of the order as provided for in the specific agreement.

13. Complaints
Complaints regarding the order and/or settlement must be submitted within 10 calendar days by registered mail or e-mail to the personal assistant, who of course has the right to respond.
Upon expiry of this period, the client is deemed to have accepted the order, its execution and the rates calculated thereon.

14. Disputes
The agreement between the personal assistant and the client is governed by Belgian law.
The Leuven courts have exclusive jurisdiction at first instance and at the level of appeal this is the Brussels Court of Appeal.

These general terms and conditions will be attached to every agreement concluded between the client and the personal assistant and the client declares that he has expressly taken note of and accepted these terms and conditions.